Saturday, January 17, 2015

...each day has enough troubles of its own.

Look, we made it through the week.
I'll admit, at the start I wasn't sure how it would go. But at the start of the week, during prayer at our staff meeting, we talked about what it would look like to only pray for the needs of the day. Then to do that each day, and to not pray for the future, which may not in the long run, even need prayer.

So we tried that. And I tried that with my schedule.
It's sort of what I do anyway, but this week I was more intentional about it. And it was a better week.
Each day was to focus on the work of that day, and for the most part we made it through.

There was a dodgy bit on Thursday when I was in Leduc in the morning for a pastors meeting, then got over to Camrose, then another stop on a call, and to the office to get the Annual Report done. The close bit was to get the services ready for the care homes in the evening. That one was a little close for comfort, but there was grace to get it done. And the services were a joy and blessing, as they usually are, because the people there are grateful.

Today was a church families event in the morning, then a birthday party for a family in the afternoon. We came home to the reality that there was a few free hours for the first time this week.

I lay down on the couch, and too quickly fell asleep, hard I guess. Herself had to wake me three hours later to eat a late supper.

Tomorrow is worship, and I'm talking about some biblical reasons why people are not healed when we pray for it. I'm getting some good interest in it, and people are looking for answers, so it will be a good day, I'm praying.

So we made it through the week, and I'm pretty thankful, I feel pretty blessed.


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