Thursday, November 27, 2014

Winter comes

The struggle of living with on again off again internet sure has it's frustrations and stresses but I live in a place where it is provided as a part of my house and work so complaining doesn't have real value in the long term view. So as you can guess, it's been mostly off again for six or seven weeks. We are taking steps, but as with most things, out here in a field, the "steps" we take are slow and two forward, one back.

Today winter really comes to the field. The wind is howling out there and the snow is falling hard, to the tune of 20-50 cms in these two days. People are hunkering down and staying safe I know the school busses are cancelled for this area today. It's the first storm of the season so people are reacting wisely, mostly.

If I had more internet I'd upload a photo.

You take care out there.

Storming outside today so I'm staying inside.
Storming outside today so I'm staying in

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