Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Grace is trying...

It feels like Grace is trying to break through to me.

Moments when my heart is carried away by the gentle softness of a piece of music that is like a soft cloud in which to find rest.

Times when I hear my granddaughter call papa, or dance with her new red sweater on, grinning from ear to ear.

When I hear and see my kids doing well, in spite of the hardships life will throw at you, and they make deliberate decisions to choose life.

Feels like Grace is pushing in at me, trying to draw me to a few healing moments of rest.

When Lauralea and I have made it through another very busy difficult patch and we are so tired from the stresses of life and I want to be angry about why things can be so tough sometimes, and instead inside I find Grace waiting for me.

When I'm near to breaking from the things on my list and I get to be a part of a baby dedication and the little girl sleeps peacefully in her moms arms and I put my hand on her and ask for God to bless her and protect her little life even as it grows into a big life, and God is there in the Holy. Blessing, watching, pushing Grace on me.

Or in the seven years of prayers for a little baby of ones own and the news comes that a little Chinese girl is waiting and in need of love and a safe life and a mom and dad and that somehow all those prayers have been focused on this little girl who will be here for a friend in two months. There is Grace there, pressing in.

Even in the thousands of prayers answered last Sunday as we voted to bring in some help for the church work here, and after two years of work to see a good answer from a quality individual who will move here soon and help with the work. There is deep Grace there.

I am trying to rest in the Grace, but then tears come and that's just, awkward.
It is a healing time, I know, even as new wounds are being torn in different parts of the heart that were always strong and safe.

It will be ok because Grace cares about me. Grace is trying to reach through to me, to love and heal and strengthen my weak limbs.

Because Grace cares, I have hope.
It will be ok I know, because Grace cares.

Grace cares for you too.
Can you see it?

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