Saturday, April 07, 2007

When "After" never comes

It's late already.

Well, late for a night in which I need to be up by 5:30 the next morning.

Tomorrow is our Sunrise Service, down by the river. And it looks like tonight is suppose to reach a balmy -18C, so by morning the snow we'll be worshipping on should be a nice crispy hard frozen kind of snow.

That's all ok though. I always enjoy the hearty souls who get out there and start the day by saying Thanks to God together.

Then its off to our regular 10 am service where we will party like its 0033 AD.


Easter is to pastors kind of like "Back to School" is to people in retail. It's crazy busy and there is so much to remember and do, and even a few hours off are not really off, because hey, people always have questions.

And so has this year gone too.

Being sick the week before had it's perks. My head was unable to be involved in the planning and activity of it, so most of the work was done this past week.

The extra services are nearly completed and I've been at it most of the day today, trying to be ready for tomorrow.

It feels like much has been done too, and at least I have that sense of accomplishment. That's a good thing.

But I've been putting off some heavy planning things I need to be involved in for our National Annual Convention which we are hosting this year, in just a few weeks.

I've been saying I'll get to it after Easter.

Well, tomorrow is Easter, and Monday it's After Easter. So I will need to hit the ground running.

And I have been saying that after the Annual Meeting, then I will get to the course work and passport work and financing work to try to get caught up on my certificate program.

Well, right after the meetings in Calgary, the week after the Annual meeting.

I think its simply a case of a perfect storm arising on the horrorizon.


Planets aligning and pieces falling into place for me to be busy. Too busy.

Too busy.

Those are the wrong words for any pastor to utter.

To be too busy frightens away those who need attention. Those who need to be cared for.

Some people like their pastors to be busy. Makes them feel like they are getting their money's worth.

But a pastor shouldn't be "Too busy."

Then the ones who need care don't call, because they don't want to be a problem, or add to the busyness.

The quiet and meek ones don't call, because they're shy.

And you loose the sensitivity to those voices.

This needs to be re-thought through.

I need to get un-busy.

I want to be un-busy.

What steps will I take along this growth curve?

And how shall I take her with me.

Living in a world where "After" never comes.

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