Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A "Room to think" day.

I was in the Big City today. Had some errands and contacts to make which were very good. What wasn't great was trying to find a bookstore that would carry the texts I need for my classes. Sheesh. You'd think I was asking for the world.

Anyway three Christian bookstores (2 protestant, one catholic) and nothing. Nada. One "Secular" bookstore, nothing.

So here I sit, broken hearted... bookless. And I have papers due on them as of tomorrow.

The other thing I did was hunt down Hillary, at the U of S. Wow, that is some undertaking. It was good to see her, and she looks good too. New haircut and I think all the walking and no meals has tightened up some of her curves a bit. Seems to be an edge worn off from the new reality, which softens her nicely.

We went to lunch at a bit of a nice place, (Which means they didn't serve fries.) and it took her a while to find something edible. But it was good to see her, and to see her doing well.

I checked in on my mom, who just got back from a visit to Manitoba, and got home for our first small group meeting of the year.

Now, about those papers...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, those other three papers aren't due for a whole 2 weeks yet. Oct. 1st. You've read the one we have to do. Come on get to it! You would think that you had a day job or something! :)

    Now if you don't read humor in this, you are too stressed. Bon courage!


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