Friday, August 25, 2006

Taize Service

Hushed silence.


Darkness envelopes us like a large quilt.

63 candles push upward

          into the air.

Standing tall, pointing to the light.

Carrying the weight of the prayers

of the 63

         into the darkness.

Here we pray

        hoping for answers,

trying not to answer for Hope.

And He meets us

        here, in this place where fire, light, and warmth draw us in.

And we pray, in word, in song, in silence,

in hope.

                  And He comes.

1 comment:

  1. Steve MenshenfriendAugust 28, 2006 at 2:14 AM

    Are you doing Taize at your place? We've been doing a couple of Taize songs on Sunday morning ... it isn't a Taize service, we've just been learning the music. I hope that someday we could actually put a service together. What are your resources? Thanks for the poem.


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