Saturday, August 05, 2006

It"s my birthday today.

I woke up early to relieve myself. (I think it"s my bodies gift to me...) Then decided to go back to bed and try for a bit of a birthday sleep in. I lay there till the doorbell started ringing, and ringing. It wasn"t a special gift, it was someone from the community wanting to, I dunno now what he wanted.

So I got up and headed off to the office in the rain, stopping in at Tim Hortons for a treat; a sesame bagel and extra large steeped tea, double double. Now I have this bagel to eat and the “Treat”? turns out to be that my tea is actually coffee, double double. Sugar in coffee has the same effect on me as when I get throwup in my mouth.

Oh well, things are bound to pick up. At least its nicely cloudy!

UPDATE: See, I told you things would pick up!


  1. Ugh, that's happened to me, too -- coffee instead of the steeped tea I ordered. Hate it.

    Happy birthday, cous! From your two favorite Bennetch-Peters!

  2. Steve MenshenfriendAugust 5, 2006 at 12:25 PM

    Happy Birthday!

  3. Yes. Happy birthday. (And bring me a piece of that cake tomorrow, okay?! My favourite!!) :)

  4. Happy Birthday, Randall! That cake looks good!!! Bring a piece for me tomorrow too, leave it in an unmarked bag, near the basketball net! Or else!!! Just kidding! I hope you enjoyed your birthday. We just celebrated Rush's birthday today-only 2 days late.

  5. Hey Randall, we wish you a wonderful birthday and hope that God blesses you throughout your year. :P

  6. Happy Birthday Randall!!! Glad things picked up. :)

  7. Cool cake! Hope you had a great day. We'll have to strart a 40s club for cool 40 year olds, but maybe not til the end of the month.

  8. Darn! I'm a day late :(

    I hope today was better for you my friend.

  9. Well, I am way more than just a day late. But then I was roughing it in the wilderness without the internet. And believe it or not - I did know it was your birthday! So happy belated B-Day!

  10. Happy Belated from us too! Hope you had a great day (if the cake is any indication, you're good) and enjoy the vacation.


  11. Oh fiddle! Another important birthday I have missed lately. Sorry dear Pastor. Hope you enjoyed your day. A belated "Happy Birthday" to you!


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