Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Johanna's Home

Well, I just got home with The Traveler, direct from a two week tour through the MidWest United States.

And what"s the first thing she does?

She calls Minneapolis.

Johanna and Friends

Am I ready for this?


  1. Yup, well overdue.

    He looks like Robbie Williams though.

  2. Well, looks aren't everything - but they look pretty good. And happy!

  3. He's HOT!

    (And I say that in a non-sexual, casual heterosexual observation kind of way.)

  4. At least she isn't driving to Minnesota, like I did, from Kansas, after a 2 week tour. Consider yourself lucky it was only a phone call.

  5. Luke;

    The phone call came after she went to Minnesota, after her two week tour.


  6. I second it, Marc. I don't want to imply that I chase younger men, but if I were Johanna, I'd totally be looking the same direction.

    Go Johanna Go! (And good luck, Dad!):)


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