Monday, April 10, 2006

A road trip, phone call, and Kumbya

Today Lauralea and I went for a drive to Saskatoon to hang out with my folks a bit. It´s was a beautiful spring day on the prairies, and as Lauralea said, and I agreed, it would be really tough to ever leave the prairies.

I think the dirt blows into the cracks in your body, and the big blue sky burns itself into your retina.

Anyway, we spent some nice, unrushed time with mom and dad. Then, tonight Lauralea´s mom called and since Laura is out, I had the chance for a good long visit with her too.

I get busy, you know? And I don´t always know how to stop. (I think we all know that about me already, so there´s no use beating that dead horse any longer.)

But today I´ve been connecting with people who have been a part of my history, and so they know me well. This has caused the day to be a most blessed and healing day.

And tonight I´m going through this space, getting ready for a format change. I´m reading stories that are sometimes funny, sometimes moving, but often thought provoking. Some of them are actually moving me to tears, and a bit overwhelming. And I wonder where they came from.

Who wrote these snippets of life? And where did he go? I´d like him to show up and hang around here a bit more. (Uh oh, speaking in the third person, that can´t be good).

I assure you this is a season. A bit of a blurry, and fuzzy season, but a season none the less. The anchor is still strongly attached to the Rock. And it´s good that it is attached, for times just like this. Times when you can´t see clearly, and you are unsure of where you are in the fog. But its ok, because you are still attached. Even though you can´t see the Rock, you know you are connected, because the chain is tight, secure, holding your position. And you know that after the storm settles, you will see clearly again, and all will be well.

Then we´ll all hold hands and sing Kumbya.


  1. "The anchor is still strongly attached to the Rock." What a great assurance.


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