Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Over the hump in Crazy Month

So, the Annual Meeting went well, and as it turns out, Gateway Covenant will be hosting next years party. So I won´t have to travel, but boy we´ve got the work cut out for us in terms of lots of prep work and planning to be done.

This week is suppose to be a holiday week since we are headed back to Strathmore for Johanna´s Commencement at Covenant Bible College. ?Suppose to be? meaning I´m working today and I´ll take that extra day next week.

Monday was Lauralea´s 43rd Birthday, so now I can really call her my old lady...
And yesterday I worked on the yard and house and getting the van ready for the trip. It was going ok until I had the van up on the jack to put on a new tire, and suddenly as I was positioning the new tire, the jack gave out. I had enough time to get clear, and jam the tire under the wheel, so it didn´t hit the ground. I was unhurt, and got the van back up and the tire replaced. Didn´t seem to be any damage, but I won´t know till its on the highway. At least I wasn´t damaged.

So, we are making it through this very busy season. Week one was Easter week and it´s craziness, week two was the Annual Meeting and other assorted connections and work in Alberta. And now we are into week three, which should be the last week of craziness. Getting out to Strathmore for this Commencement Thing. We´re over the hump now and I am looking forward to it. Hopefully it will be a bit of a party too.


  1. Thanks for keeping us up to date. I was starting to wonder if you'd been stolen away while on your travels.



  2. Yep, starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!



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