Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Well, time for home.

For the past couple of days I´ve been trying to prepare for our Conference Annual Meeting. Today was about financial reports and updates, which you know I love like the plague.

?Bring out your dead, bring out your dead...?

Speaking of which, I was run down today in the grocery store, by one of those big four wheel personal transportation vehicles. The individual was having trouble controlling his muscle movements and hit the power, accidently. I never saw it coming. I was paying with debit, punching in the numbers and I suddenly felt this searing pain on my left side. As I turned to look I got the brunt of it and it slammed me up against the counter, spinning its tires on me, pushing and grinding into me. Then he shot off another 8 feet before he got control of it.

Talk about your shock and awe.

I nearly fell to the ground but caught myself on the counter, holding myself up, waiting for the pain to settle and the shock to subside. The guy was very sorry, the bagboy looked stunned, and the cashier was speechless.

What´s there to say after that.

I got my bags and dragged my butt out to the car, wincing as I went.

Now, the Council meeting is done. The report for Annual Meeting is done. I think my wife is at home finishing my packing. And I am done.

And the highlight of my day?

23 years ago today Lauralea and I started dating, exclusively.


  1. There's not much you can do when a man in a persoanl transportation cart runs you down. It just doesn't look good for a local pastor to punch out some elderly or disabled man who can't walk well enough to go grocery shopping.... Though, we can all agree, he would have had it coming....

  2. It's a little late, but I hope you're OK from it.

  3. WWJS ... "Who would Jesus sue?"


  4. :)

    A bit stiff today, but I think I'll live!

  5. Aw, Randall. What an accident. I would have pushed for a breathalizer test.

    Have a good trip!

  6. BTW just to let you know - your python quote was both noted and appreciated.

    "I'm not dead yet" Seems and appropriate comment.



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