Monday, April 03, 2006

Encouraging healthy churches

Well, I had a good time in Saskatoon on the weekend. I spent the night at mom and dad's and had a good visit with them. Then, late Friday and Saturday I did a bit of a tag team teaching/experience time with the Covenant church there, along with Jeff Anderson, the conference Superintendent, and old friend from our Winnipeg days.

I found it very satisfying, to be able to help a church realize some things about itself, and grow a bit through the day. It was also a peek into our future, somehow. Not doing that per say, but helping churches grow and walk through seasons of healing, kinds of things. I think that that might be a bit more of what we do down the road a ways. Don't know how or when, but God has told us some things.

Feels like the past week lasted about a month, but by the end the weekend was a treat for me.

So, thanks to those of you who thought of us, and mentioned our names a few times. It was a most profitable weekend for all concerned.

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