Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Rhythm of Life - Wednesday

Wednesdays get going early. I'm up at 5:30 and by 6 am I'm checking email and connecting online. 6:30 is our church ?GateCrashers? Prayer time. We meet at the church and spend the first half hour praying alone, then we gather to pray together. This Wednesday morning discipline has been a nice surprise for me. Usually i enjoy it.

After this I usually take a bit of time to study, start thinking about shaping my thoughts for Sunday. At 9:30 I have been having breakfast with a friend from church who is going through cancer and all that's involved with treatment. Sometimes after that I'll head to the hospital to check on a few people. Usually I use that time to check up or visit with a few people. I'll do mail and answer phone messages, and do other office errands.

By the mid afternoon I need to take some time to prep for small group in the evening. If something needs to be planed or prepared for then, I do it. Usually by that time there have been a few shifts in direction that come from surprises or people just needing a bit of my time. They are not interruptions, because they are what my work is about. People.

I try to get a bit of study time in later in the afternoon, and I usually want to be home by 4pm, but that doesn't always happen. I have to go out in the evening too, so I try to get home early and play a game with the guys or have a nap.

By 7 pm we are off to our small group meeting, and that can be a good time.

Usually we get home around 9:30 and check the email I need to respond to, or call back the messages that have come for us through the evening. Sometimes as I'm checking the email, somebody will have a question or just want to chat a bit on instant messenger, so we'll do that a bit.

By then I'm mostly toast.

Kinda like right now.


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