Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Lord have mercy. Please.

Looking out the window here at my desk, it's a bit after 6 am, and the sky is lightening up nicely. It looks calm out there, and it's suppose to be a beautiful day today.

The warmth continues to melt the winter doldrums away, and I can't wait for real spring to be here.

The only snag in this glorious start, is that I am about to have the most difficult day, in terms of my work, that I can remember having in years. I am expected to do some things today that I cannot do, be a person I cannot be, and give things I cannot give.

And before I even get to that, I have the opportunity to have major dental work done for two hours.

Lord have Mercy,
Christ have Mercy,
Lord have Mercy
on me. 


  1. I'm praying.


  2. Oh Randall,

    my thoughts & prayers are with you.


  3. Great photo, just ike it was here 2 weeks ago

  4. I'm praying for you too, my friend. If you want to discuss things with someone outside the situation completely then I'm here for you. I'll be home from 8.30pm UK time.



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