Saturday, March 04, 2006

Chillin Saturday

Saturday is upon us, and I´m kinda in a pre-pastoring frame of mind. Kinda wish like today was a Saturday like I used to live, before this pastoring gig got started.

The snow is gently coming down, there´s some mellow Jack Johnson coming out of my speakers, and Lauralea´s puttering around the kitchen making some nice surprise. It wants to be a chillin day around here. It wants me to pick up a book and just read for a change. It wants me to pour a glass and talk with Lauralea or play a game with the guys.

It wants me to do so many things.

But the reality is that I am off to my office to try to prepare for tomorrow. To study some more, and focus. I also need to pray through some things, all before tomorrow comes.

So the least you can do is to have an enjoyable day today. And don´t not tell me about it because you may or may not feel guilty about chillin while others are workin.

Have a good one, and remember to make some time and space in your life for God this weekend.


1 comment:

  1. Just like having children - guess there's no going back.

    I understand.

    God bless you in your faithfulness, Randall.


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