Sunday, December 18, 2005


When I went with the banner at the top of the page that would load a random image, I discovered there was some problems. It seemed to snag occasionally, which I suspect was a problem with the java written into the page.

I then put up a static Christmas image.

Now I'm trying to have the banner load my latest three images from flickr, which allows you to see some more of my photography, but it also keeps it new-ish, as long as I keep taking pictures. That's something I want to do this year anyway.

And hey, if you want more of my photography, check out, my photoblog.

And hey again, I used to use Opera a bunch of years ago and I enjoyed it then. Eventually it struggled and wanted to insert advertising into itself so I wandered away from it. Till last night.

I downloaded the latest version, 8.51. Wow, sweet little thang it's become. I may be in love, again.

Opera web Browser. Check it out.


  1. the one link is broken

  2. Dedicated firefox user these days, but Opera lead the move away from IE for me after netscape went belly-up.


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