Wednesday, December 07, 2005

If I were a Book, I'd be...

You're Cry, the Beloved Country!
by Alan Paton
Life is exceedingly difficult right now, especially when you put more miles between yourself and your hometown. But with all sorts of personal and profound convictions, you are able to keep a level head and still try to help folks, no matter how much they harm you. You walk through a land of natural beauty and daily horror. In the end, far too much is a matter of black and white.
Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.

Nailed it.
Hmm, in Oprah's Book club no less.



  1. I'm seriously beginning to wonder about this quiz. There's so few questions, and yet there's this vast array of books and everyone seems to get a book that fits them absolutely right. A little voodoo, perhaps?

  2. Oooohhh, I like that quiz!!

    I am "Babar the King"

    No Oprah, but I do get an elephant who can ride a bike!!

  3. The quiz gave the answer that would probably be true if I were not a Christian. Are we seeing my salvation at work in my life?


  4. I agree with Toni. Without Jesus I probably would be "1984" by George Orwell. Some of the questions should have had a third choice ... for example one question forced a choice about optimism (Pollyanna-ish?) about the future vs. a more bleak pessimism. Forced to make a choice I opted for the second, but in reality my view of the future is a blend of pessimism (which I prefer to consider healthy skepticism) WRT society, government programs etc., along with optimism WRT Christ's Church.


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