Tuesday, December 13, 2005

5100 Boxes

boxes boxes boxes, move shuffle, shift.

I set one down, another one fills my hands. I set it down faster, and two fill my hands

christmas boxes gifts boxes services boxes christmas party boxes open house boxes school concerts boxes broken down van in the garage boxes "I need a ride" boxes someone in surgery boxes "Did you get my mail?" boxes annual reports boxes financial reviews boxes line of credit boxes help family get home boxes snow storm boxes cancer boxes assignments boxes new board boxes deadlines boxes "when can we put up the tree" boxes "the car won't stop" boxes hurting friends boxes expectation boxes loud noise boxes

late into the night

boxes boxes boxes move. shuffle. shift.

1 comment:

  1. Feeling a little boxed in? Yah,I hear you.

    I'll pray for you if you will please pray for me.

    And get some sleep.


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