Thursday, December 15, 2005

3183 Boxes

We've been working really really hard the past few days, and I'm glad to say some of the stress is lifting.

I got my article on postmodernism completed for the next edition of The Messenger. With editing by Lauralea, I believe all my Apostrophes are in the right places.

The van is back from the garage and working. The bill was a considerable sum, and I was very worried about that. Turned out to be just under the amount that an old friend had sent us two days prior "for Christmas." God seems to take care of us even before we need it.

I have completed two financial reports (Which I hate!).

Sunday is ready to go. We are having our traditional Carol Sunday. We sing the songs and tell the stories of how they came to be. It'll be fun.

I've got a good start on the Christmas Eve Service of Candles and Carols. (Sounds like an attempt at postmodernism. Maybe we should add a "Couch")

Tomorrow is our open house (2-9) and most everything is ready to go, thanks to Lauralea's very hard work.

So, yeah. Thanks to those of you who sent up a sanity prayer for me, and to those of you who emailed the love notes.  I love you too, -in a purely platonic, blogospheric way.

Tonight is concert number, ...whatever. It's Micah's school concert and he's singing a solo or duet or something. Going to be good. We don't have many more opportunities to go see these things you know.

Hold the faith.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget the most important event of all!

    I'll be home tomorrow!!


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