Tuesday, November 01, 2005

On why I still prefer to give cheap candies to Halloween kids.

Ding dong.

I open the door.

There before me stand two young teenage girls.

Extra makeup on their faces.

"What are you going as, hookers?" I want to ask.

But I don't.

The first girl holds open her candy bag, looking for a handout.

The second girl says "Huh what did you say? She's such a looser..."

I look at her hookerized face. She's talking on a CELLPHONE people!

She holds open her backpack and I, in amazement, toss in a Crispy Crunch, the most hated bar in the world.

New policy Implemented. If you have a cellphone you can talk on, you don't get candy. Period. (Or at the very worse, I'll give you one of those nasty chewy licorice flavored orange wax paper wrapped candy. So there.)


  1. Look on the bright side...maybe she wasn't going as a hooker maybe she was going as a Continental Singer....they have "extra" make up too!!

    (did she shake your hand, cuz that woulda been a dead give away)

  2. Haha, continentals :) Those were some great videos robyn!

  3. I had the same thing happen to me. Three teenage boys on my doorstep. When I questioned them they said "I maybe in high school but it is still fun." As they walked away the one kid was playing his PSP. Yea fun and pretty much like taking candy from a BABY. I can't even afford a Sony PSP yet I am handing out chocolate bars to a 15 year old who can. Crazy!!

  4. Sara got to hand out treats this year. Before I left for picking up the old guy in S'toon she greeted a large froup at the door.

    " You're too old to be coming for treats" she told the one guy. "And you aren't even wearing a costume."

    But he had no shame. And she wasn't brave enough to give him nothing.

  5. Well, I for one REALLY LIKE those nasty chewy licorice flavored orange wax paper wrapped candy. So there. I should have knocked on your door.....I don't have a cell phone.

  6. Steve and I make older "treaters" sing for their candy.

  7. True story:

    We stopped for a bit at a friends to show off Ben in his bee costume and a group of kids arrived with a lady "supervising" them. My friend put a bag of chips, a chocolate bar, and some gum in each bag. (They live in our outrageous-over-the-top neighborhood.)The kids start walking away and the lady (40ish and not dressed up) holds out her hand and says, "I'll just have a bag of chips." Can you believe that? Can you? My friend said, "I don't think so" and shut the door. Lol. I still can hardly believe that happened.


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