Wednesday, November 30, 2005

C.S. Lewis on sharing the Good News

Philip Yancey in the latest Christianity Today, points out that C.S. Lewis said Christians must make a distinction between communicating the good news of Jesus to those who hear for the first time, and those who have embraced and then rejected the good news.

"A person must court a virgin differently than a divorcee, said Lewis.  One welcomes the charming words; the other needs a demonstration of love to overcome inbuilt skepticism."



  1. I so enjoy CS Lewis, he is so full of insightful little tidbits like that.

  2. just re-read The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (in anticipation of the movie release next week), and one thing I noticed that I totally missed when I was a kid, is that he has the whole theological argument of "lunatic, liar or Lord" in there! wooh!

  3. Wow...amazing perception and insight.


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