Thursday, September 01, 2005

On Call pastor

I got called into the hospital in the middle of the night so I hastily got dressed and drove down there. I was greeted by four women surrounding the bed of a 62 year old man whose body was racked with cancer.

They had asked for me to come and "Say a prayer."

I asked them about him. Who he was, what he loved and liked. Where he grew up and who he had become. They told stories and expressed their love for him through those questions. It was a good time.

I read two Psalms and asked if I could pray, which they were eager for me to do.

I was not sure of his relationship with God, so I prayed a simple prayer of thanksgiving and blessing. And as I prayed, his heaving chest became still and his spirit went on ahead to the things to follow.

It's always a holy moment, at least for me, when that transition happens. And I was glad I had the chance to share it with them.

1 comment:

  1. Wow..what an amazing, important job you have. God be near you.


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