Sunday, September 04, 2005

Goodbye. I hope you have a great life.

As soon as children leave their mom's womb they are on a journey away from their parents, and into their own lives. There are subtle reminders of this along the way. Wanting to put their socks on themselves. Wanting to eat what they like only. Wanting to stay up late. Etc.

Then there are bigger milestones. Learning to pee in a toilet. The first day of school. Getting your drivers license. A first date. Graduation.

Then, before you realize it, they turn 18, and say goodbye and head off to College, all in one day.

That day arrived here today. Johanna clicked over another year and headed off to school.

It's good. Just feels a bit strange is all. But it's good.

May God Bless her life with the sweetness of his presence, all her days.

1 comment:

  1. So the nest begins to empty. It is a bit of a weird feeling as I remember. You are not "sad" to see them go. They should. And of course you know it is right and normal and means they are becoming what you hoped all along. Just the same there is this strange feeling that somehow there is something amiss, an adjustment is needed in the emotions. When she comes back, it will be more as an adult. Never quite the same. But each stage has it's own unique goodness.


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