Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Autumn in Prince Albert

Autumn in Prince Albert 2

Just uploaded some pics of Autumn happening here in P.A.

Beautiful days indeed.




  1. Very nice pics Randall. We took a stroll on Saturday and shot a few dozen here in Saskatoon. Lots of beautiful, vibrant red and orange bushes and yellow trees. I've lived in this condo four years this Saturday and we just found a little preserved park (preserved in that it is completely natural trees, not man planted) with a path through it. Gorgeous and it reminded me of Cypress Hills Provincial Park (my boyhood getaway with my parents). A little tricky going in my wheelchair, but a nice easy walk/wheel with my wife.

    Once I get my new site up I'll have to post a few Saskatoon Fall pictures to share the beauty.

  2. Sounds good Jay.

    Those hidden places are why cities are such fun. Always a new place to explore and enjoy.


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