Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A funny thing happened on the way from the wedding...

The groom Leighton, who runs PrairieFusion and the server on which this blog resides, announced yesterday that for the first time in how many years, he was turning off his cell phone for the night.

Shortly afterwards the server crashed, and he was, um, unavailable.

I blame myself though. I told him to have lots of sex.


  1. I've been told this one in a couple of places, but it bears mentioning here. Last night at around 11 I was trying to access PrairieFusion and couldn't. I noticed that all the PrairieFusion blogs were unavailable, too. Dixie was sitting next to me and I said to her, "Oh great! It's LT's honeymoon night and his server is down."

    Dixie immediately responded with, "Literally or figuratively speaking?"


    I imagine the wedding was a fun time...

  2. Hmmmm...I see you've heard this one already. Nevertheless, for the benefit of your other readers...

  3. You had to tell him to have lots of sex?

    I thought he would have figured that one out on his own!

  4. LOL @ Marc/Dixie

    Not quite sure I'd put that on MY blog though ;?)

  5. Hello

    I can't be bothered with anything these days, but shrug. I just don't have anything to say recently.



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