Wednesday, July 13, 2005

This morning I had a realization. Just a small obvious one mind you.

As I was being awakened from a deep sleep early this morning, there was a new understanding, a realization I hadn't known before.

It is this; that there is an exquisite moment when one transitions from sleep to wakefulness that is more like moving from life to death than any other thing we experience.

A sudden awareness of life unknown during the previous hours. A realization of new sounds heard. A slow testing of the bodies extremities, new systems coming online. Heightened awareness of your surroundings. 

It's like, "Oh, this is what it was all about."

I suppose that after a particularly good rest one would also have a desire to look and see and experience all the new reality had for them. To explore and experience all the gifts of the new day.

There would be a clarity of vision unknown before. You would see clearly, and know truthfully like you've never seen and known ever before.

A true awakening, to new life.

"Now we see things imperfectly as in a poor mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God knows me now."   via.

1 comment:

  1. ..."there is an exquisite moment when one transitions from sleep to wakefulness that is more like moving from life to death than any other thing we experience."

    Profoundly insightful once again, Randall.

    I find sleep analogies help me a lot in looking at death.

    My husband works shiftwork, and so when he walks out the door for work at night, I go to sleep. To me it seems almost instantly he is home, yet for him, a whole not more goes on in between.

    That idea comforts me surrounding death. I wonder if those who pass away wake up what seems instantly into God's presence, while for those of us left, out time passes on earth as usual.


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