Friday, July 15, 2005

Looking for my muse

I'm having a cold drink at my favourite watering hole, on my way home from a hot and busy week. My 4 o'clock cancelled on me today, so it's a free moment. I spend it wisely.

I stopped in at the mall as I walked down here. I wanted to pick up a sketch book. I think it's easier to get the new Harry Potter book, than it is to find a decent sketch book!

Simple, I thought. I want a sketch book, -no lines- because I need some wide open spaces these days. Spaces to find words and room to put them down. Space to be creative, again. Sitting in my basement, in front of a glowing screen isn't doing much for my creativity these days.

I figured I need to write on paper again. Paper in a hard cover, so I can write anywhere. Paper with no lines, to constrain and limit. Paper in a ring binding, so it's easy to write on. Paper that's thick, so I can't see what I've written before. A good sketch book.

Cheapest and best deal I could find is a Leonardo Da Vinci sketch book - about 11 inches by 15 inches, a huge beast. I look like some starting out artist with this cool new book by his hero.

My plan is to be able to write in different places, at different times. Hopefully find some creativity again.

Although I don't know, carrying around this huge tome may make me a bit self conscious about breaking it open in public.

But I hope not.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you use it and enjoy it - and maybe we will profit from it too? I like your poem below.


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