Wednesday, June 08, 2005

A perfectly enormously wonderfully easy fundraising idea

I am the parent of youth and kids who are forever involved in fundraising events, either at school or at church.

From band trips, to youth conferences, to class fees, to, blah blah blah blah. I'm tired of it all. Selling chocolate or citrus or cookie dough or magazines or working at smokey bingo halls or selling tickets to a draw, I'm tired of it. Till today.

I had a perfectly enormously wonderfully easy fundraising idea.

I and many of my friends- though not all- have made certain choices in our lives. Choices like not getting drunk, not smoking, not taking illegal drugs of many varieties and so on. We who make such choices could harness this virtue for the good of our children and their ongoing band programs. 


I have discovered, through no study of my own, and much listening to talk radio, that there is a strong and growing demand for "Clean Urine," if one can call it clean. People who work on the oil rigs in Alberta will attend a wedding or party, and two weeks later there may still be a bit of a surprise coming as they submit to a urine test put to them by their employer.

These people are in the market for clean urine to use in the tests they are forced to take. And they are paying $30 - $40 for a bag of the stuff.

In short, There's gold in them there baggies!!

We've made a commitment to certain lifestyle choices, now it can really pay off, for our kids. "Just Say No" takes on a whole new meaning when you attach a dollar figure to it.

I see a website where you can order your supply for the next test. The top quality stuff could fetch a higher price than your average offering. Then it could be FedExed to the person in need!

Paul made tents, we could sell urine. Tomato Tomata.


UPDATE: I just read that in America the parents get to go to SF Giants games as fundraisers. God Bless America!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in.

    Hilarious post, by the way!


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