Monday, June 20, 2005

Father's Day haul

I've been a dad for 18 years now.

That statement looks unbelievable even as I write it.

18 years.

That's about 385 parent years.

So, yesterday was my 18th Father's Day.

My youngest, a boy, gave me a huge card, a Plasticine picture he made of our fav show, Sponge Bob, and a bucket of my favorite Kernels popcorn, Chicago.

My youngest daughter made me a tiny delicate handmade turtle card.

My eldest, a girl, bought me a Coldplay CD, Parachutes, which I'm listening to now. Wow, why didn't I have this before?

This weekend my eldest graduates from High School, and I begin the next part of parenthood. Absentee child fathering. Next week she's off to change the world, don't know when we'll see her again. That'll be weird.


1 comment:

  1. If you like "Parachutes", I suggest you immediately run out to your CD dealer of choice and purchase "A Rush of Blood to the Head" and their latest, "X + Y", as well (although the last two are not as soft and gentle as the first).


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