Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Upon the birth of a Son

Somewhere around a million years ago, in the wisdom of God, he thought it wise to entrust Lauralea and myself with two girls. Having little girls was amazing. It's hard to express fully how one's heart shifts just a bit, to make room for another little soul in one's life, especially a little girl.

So, we had two of these small wonders. I admit, I was happy and content with girls, so when we got pregnant, I was not the one muttering beneath my breath, "Common baby, be a boy!!"

But out came a boy, and it was good too.

Different good, you know? 

Having a boy has been equally as amazing. But it's the kind of amazing that you don't know, until you have one.

This one was always inquisitive. Getting stuck in boxes and falling down the stairs in it. Taking things apart, and not putting them back together. Always this silly grin on his face. Always so sensitive that usually one "look" from his mom or dad was enough.

"They" say that boys are easier to raise. I understand where that statement comes from now, especially with this boy. He's very easygoing, a sensitive peacemaker.

Yesterday the girls were not around so the three of us "Men" went out and cleaned the yard. It was good. And fun, if yard work can be fun. They are able to work harder and had more strength than ever before, so their contribution is growing and growing.

They are turning into fine sons.

Having girls, well that's like eating raspberries, and having guys, well that's like eating pineapples. It's all good, it's just different.

Anyway, the boy God gave us 15 years ago today nearly didn't make it through to life. But God stepped in and made it ok. Today, as in most every day since, I'm grateful he did.

So, Happy Birthday Thomas.

This year will hold many changes for you, (not the least of which will be learning to drive!) But you will handle them with the poise and grace that you approach most everything you do.

Enjoy the year. It's gonna be good.





  1. Happy Birthday, Thomas!

  2. Yes, have a great birthday, Thomas!

  3. And a very fine son you both have raised! Happy B'Day Mr. T!!! It's wonderful to have a son who is sensitive, kind, working behind the scenes to make things go right. All that and so much more....and where did the past few years go? Seems like these boys turn into men overnight.

  4. Didn't actually say it - hoppy birdy 2 him.

  5. 15!

    I remember those heady days. Interesting times ahead in the Friesen family methinks.

  6. Hmm, I'm allergic to pineapples.

    Oh, but I like you Thomas. Even when you come over to my house and convince my son to take things apart also, and make crazy movies, and, and...

    Happy birthday!


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