Sunday, April 24, 2005

On call this week


Tonight I was called to the hospital, an elderly lady had suffered a very bad stroke. So I went  and spent some time with her only child, a son. She's been living with him for a few years now. His dad passed away some time ago.

He was hurting, but hopeful. She had attended a good church for many years, except during the last ten or so in which she had been unable to go because of her health.

I listened and spoke with him, and her, as she lay there unconscious. I prayed for her and her son. It was a good time, an intimate holy time. Someone was in transition from this place, to the next. That's always a very profound time.  

Her son said that she had been having a really great day, all was well. They sat down to some supper and as she ate, she began to have some difficulty. She put down her fork and he asked what was wrong. She looked up as best as she could and said, "I've got to go." He asked her where she had to go, and she replied, "Home, I've got to go home."

Tonight, I'm asking God to fulfill her words. 


  1. Hi Rand...

    Didn't know that you had some carpentry skills. You sure did not get it from me. Looks like you & the boys did a good job.

  2. You were the inspiration. Remember when we tackled building walls in the basement at 1717 G?

    I do.

    Those are fun memories for me.



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