Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Putting out an All Points Bulletin

Ok, between you and me, this weather is starting to make me want to say a very bad word.

Last week I was pretty much walking around in my shorts for a couple of days. My cold cold heart was thawing out. I could smell the beginning part of the smell of dirt again. Hope was awakening in my boosem, buzum, boozum, breast. And i was beginning to think we had made it though another long winter.

Then came Friday, and SNOW.

But that was ok, it was just a hiccup on the road to springtime.

Then came the COLD.

Now it's in the -20C's again. People are skiing again!!

I'm trying to wear my summer jacket in the mornings, only to find the van seat hard again, and the steering wheel frozen, so you can only hold it with the tips of your fingers.

Tonight it's getting cold out, and I'm tired of being played the yoyo ing fool.


Talk to me already. Are you dead on some road down in Central America where you stopped to pick up some hitchhiker who turned out to be a dangerous hottie?

Or did you stop for what, just one drink with Winter who was passing you on the way south? One thing led to another, and you woke up in some Ecuadorian prison??

I understand, stuff happens. But dude, you gotta get moving. I'm suppose to lead a Easter Sunrise service in about a weeks time, and I'll be jiggered if I have to do it in a full body snowsuit, just because you got distracted by a pretty weather system.

If you need to raise some bail money I know some Canadians who would probably be willing to chip in. (We just don't want this to become a habit, you know?)

It's pee or get off the pot time dude. Let's get moving or else we might start looking around for a new season to take your place.


UPDATE: It snowed last night. Alright Spring, you are off my Christmas card list.


  1. I figure you can always trust the birds and they are coming back. I wouldn't if I were them but they seem to have some sort of blind faith that spring will come.

  2. I told that to someone today, and he said, Ah, them birds are as dumb as ravens!

  3. LOL! Great post.

    It's "bosom", by the way.

    I've noticed that even a little sunshine makes the world a better place. Today I was thinking to myself, as I was driving around town, the sun beaming into the Vandermobile, "Life is great. I don't particularly want to go back to work next week, but life is great!" Now a thaw, some heat, and a bike ride or two and I'll be laughing.

  4. I confess.

    We've kidnapped her at the moment.

    It was 20'C in Kent yesterday, sand it's due to reach that kind of temperature again today. Quite a change from last week's freezing temperatures. It's also pretty wet, but we can live with that for now.

    When she's done her stuff we'll let her out again - it you ask nicely.


  5. Oh yeah, the sunrise service. Haaaaa. Can you sing with frozen vocal chords? I'll be there if the kids let me come this year or come with. Too bad there's no ski trail on the riverbank or I'd travel that way. Ahhhh skiing (sorry, I've been praying for more snow)

  6. lol

    That was funny.

    I knew this would happen. As soon as 'they' decided Easter would be early, then we all expected SPRING to be early. People, it is ONLY the middle of March, and it is Prince Albert, CANADA, and the winter really ain't done with us just yet. So Randall would you rather do the sunrise service in yer snowsuit or balancing an umbrella while sinking into the soggy ground.

    Oh yeah, and the reason that winter has to get a couple more big ones in..?..psst my little brother has requested that MAY be nice and warm and pleasant and free from those little pesky buzzing-in-your-ear bugs..:)

  7. Alright people, don't give me that "It's only March" line. I know it's only march, I have a daytimer.

    I just want this March to behave a little more spring like, and a little less, "Below Normal"

    I was listening to radio from the UK yesterday and they were reporting that they were headed right into summer this weekend!!

    So yeah Toni, send er over.

    Or, maybe Janet's little Bro can bring some!!

  8. Hmmmm...that saying goes "April showers bring May flowers", so I generally don't get angry until sometime in April.

    But I will say this: ENOUGH TEASING ALREADY!

  9. Spring will arrive with the Vernal Equinox, so there are still about four days of winter left. Don't get your shorts in a twist.

  10. I feel a bit frustrated too....oh, wait, I leave for California in 7 days....never mind.

  11. i agree with robyn....mexico here we come! And the youth pastor who's leading the trip is the one who is praying for all this cold weather n snow to get even worse next week so that when we leave, it will be even more sweet...

  12. that's just mean.

    I hate winter. It's so much better to be +30 than -30. or even +30 than 0'.

    I'd rather be sweating than shivering.

  13. March is like a yo-yo....always has...and probably always will be. So, "my fellow Canadians" (to quote a famous westerner), enjoy your day, snow and all....June IS coming. (You will notice I skipped April & May for reasons I will not go into for fear of discouraging certain folks).

  14. Great post! Spring is taunting us and I feel your pain..I'm training for a half marathon at the end of May and am heavily allergic to treadmills (Ok I'm exaggerating, but you get the drift). So this whole "Attitude" spring is showing is not appreciated.

    Maybe should all use the tactic of my children...if we whine long enough, Spring will give in just to shut us up.

    And thanks for popping into my blog the other day by the way...are you a)the Randall Friesen I had Geometry with b) the one related to Ernest and Rose, or both? ;)


  15. Hi Christy...

    Geometry eh?

    I remember geometry, but soon after that I was "Promoted" to general math. One semester with Algebra and we all knew I wasn't headed towards an engineering degree!

    Was that Mayfair School, or perhaps by then, Bedford Road? Late 70's?

    And yep, Ernest is my dad's twin brother.

    Your site keeps a smile on my face.

    You all should check it out.

  16. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I'm on a combo of mennonite time and motherhood delay.

    I was a grad of 1992 at Marion Graham, so evidently you are not the Randall Friesen I went to highschool with unless you did some upgrading in the 90's. I was friends with Brad all through high school, and Rose is still like a second Mom.

    Thanks for the blog promotion...I enjoy yours thoroughly as well.

    The whining worked..spring is back with an edgy side.

    Take care, Christy


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