Thursday, March 03, 2005

Hey, it's just life...

This place is getting busier and busier these days, and it's making me nervous.

To me, what makes a blog interesting is the writing style and stories of it's writer. When it's a small affair the writer often knows his or her readers,  and it can be a relational and sometimes folksy place to hang out. Then it begins to draw new readers, for various reasons.

I've watched as many of these fine blogs become victims of their own successes. It's a classic case. A good blog, often written by a introverted individual, begins to grow in traffic. The writer begins to get contacted by the people who frequent the blog, and quite honestly, gets freaked out by the audience.

For a time he or she may loose their unique voice, their writing style, if you will. As they sit down to write, the faces and names and situations of the readers begins to flow through their minds, and they can't write. At least in the way they used to write.  

I absolutely understand this.

It seems to be an ongoing struggle to grow in your writing skills, while at the same time, not stopping when things get weird. But I'm trying.

And I do encourage you to contact me. Some of you do just that by leaving comments on the page. Another group of you communicates using that "Send a Message to my Cell phone" form over to the right. And still others of you shoot me emails directly. It's all good. I mean, I can see you've been here, so feel free to drop me a note once and a while.

Writing in this space has been a huge wonderful discipline for me. It's an act of faith and worship to be able to explore the way God has made me to be. I bring who I am to this place. My gifts and offerings come with me. My strengths and weaknesses come too. It will be interesting to see where this all leads.

So, carry on folks, nothing to see here, it's just life.


  1. consider yourself contacted

  2. Oy, but don't I know about this in a personal way. I've been called everything from a tool of Satan to being accused of marrying a lesbian on my site.

    Don't let 'em get you down, R.


Play nice - I will delete anything I don't want associated with this blog and I will delete anonymous comments.