Wednesday, February 16, 2005

randall 5.0

This version I've been thinking on and on for some time. I believe it's my third attempt at it.

I wanted color. I got color.

I wanted my photo's on it. Now Flickr makes it real easy to do that. And it will keep updating the pic's at the right as I upload new ones.

I brought back the blogroll. To much effort to click and click. Should also help bring down my hits.

I wanted a picture of me, smiling. There are not alot of these around, so it's considered gold. Brad took this picture after the transfer of ordination service in Minneapolis last summer.

So, if you find a problem on the page or difficulty in reading it, le'me know. I'll tell you where you can get some glasses.


  1. i'm a friend ot tony ertl

    good to see you doing gods work over the other side of the duck pond

    website's fine, so don't need any glasses from you yet, but will call when I do.

    I'm not ready to blog as yet as still sorting out my life after running from god for 13 yrs. But hey

    he will always come after you no matter where you rty to hide and will always get your attaention one way or the other.

    god bless


  2. Like this. NOw you know what I'm going to want to do. :)

  3. Hi Ian

    Good to meet you. Any friend of Toni's ... well, you know.

    And, yes Linea, there is a perfect blog design out there for you too!

  4. Hey Ian - great to se you're still around and going on. I've not been riding since Nov, and out of guilt I've not been to either. I'm getting fatter, but that's OK.

    What are you up to? I know Randall won't mind his blog being gently hijacked just a little ;-)

  5. Ah Randall! Always a step ahead in design! Now you've got me thinking about my next design already, even though my new design is only days old.

    Nice work. I'm a little jealous. I might steal some code to get my page to adjust to various resolutions. Hope that's OK.

  6. What?!?! There's a big "R" in the address box thinger. how'd you do that?


Play nice - I will delete anything I don't want associated with this blog and I will delete anonymous comments.