Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Gmail anyone?

In celebration of Shrove Tuesday (Yes Marc, It has to do with Lent! Sheesh...) I have 50 Gmail addresses to hand out.

1 Gigabyte of pure email storage. Sweet.

Anyone still need one?


  1. My apologies. I was never taught anything about Lent and only heard about it for the first time in the last seven years or so. Can you believe that?!

  2. Yeah, Gmail is pretty good. I don't understand how I could ever use 1 gig of storage space, but whatever. I don't like the format as much as hotmail in terms of their dull, mind sapping colour scheme of mostly no colours whatsoever. It's hard to get used to but the thread sorting is kind of cool.

    Actually, I heard some guy's conspiracy theory on how Gmail is some massive public information gathering database, probably created by 'The Man'. They keep going on about how you will never have to delete another message. They seem all too glad to hang on to our email...

  3. And if you use up your 50 invites I've got 50, too. They must be getting close to moving beyond the beta phase.

  4. Since this is turning into the classifieds: I have 56 to give away (although I may want to keep a couple for myself).

  5. Can I have one ... please.

  6. How did Marc get 56? He must be something really special.

  7. I'd say he's special!!



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