Thursday, October 14, 2004

Yes Dave, there IS a Santa Clause

This past weekend was Prince Albert's 100th birthday. 100 years old. Older than the Province, older than the other cities in this big rectangle of a place called Saskatchewan. And something hugely significant happened here for the very first time, today.

Oh, it's been done before, in thousands of other cities around the world, cities much older than us, and cities much much younger too. In that fact there is no justice.

I have waited and waited for this day to arrive, and now, apart from the fact that there is NO CLASSICAL MUSIC STATION WITHIN 137 KMS OF THIS TOWN, I am prepared to live out my life here, retire here, grow old here with hair growing out of my nose and ears, happily.

You know, rumors have come and they have gone, leaving me flat and depressed, but today this man of simple means' dream came true right here in Prince Albert.

They finally opened up a Wendy's.


The party's already begun. Conga line forms behind me.



  1. Frosties and french fries all around!

  2. hmmmm....classic double....*drool*

    I better go tell Dixie.

  3. Almost better than a classical radio station of your own is broadband -- so that you can listen to hundreds of classical stations online! Of course, it would be nice to have something in the car -- do you guys have satellite radio up there? One of our pastors in western Kansas says that it changed her life! And what about CBC? Have they totally abandoned the culture?

  4. Hi Brad;

    Actually, we do run Broadband into the house. I've installed an FM Transmitter in our home so we listen to Classic FM or BBC3 throughout our home and yard. (Broadcasting to a range of 6 houses!!)

    CBC 2 which is Classics, transmits ouut of Saskatoon and the range stops about 10 miles out of PA!!

    And Satellite Radio. Lauralea and I purchased one when we were down in Minneapolis and discovered we couldn't set up an account, because we were from Canada!! So we returned it.


    But, yes, we do have sweet broadband, and that has helped alot!!

    Something totally cool about listening to the BBC3 as they broadcast live to the UK!!

  5. yes, but do they have an Old Navy?


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