Wednesday, October 13, 2004

overheard at the City Ministerial meeting today...

"The Church has become an echo of the culture."



  1. Interesting quote, but sad - the world is setting the Church's agenda, rather than vice versa. As someone somewhere once said, the Church is not called to be relevant, but only to be faithful.

  2. This makes me think of the verse in Ephesians 1:22

    "the church, you see, is not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church." (The Message)

    Did Peterson give a good rendering of this verse?

    The NAS translates it "He gave Him as head over all things to the church."

    If Peterson's translation is valid, does this mean that the church should be the center of things or that the church is the center of things?

    Just wondering?

  3. I'm not sure if the comment is totally true yet, but I do believe the church (in its organized form) is moving in that direction. The less we rely on scripture and the more we rely on catchy slogans and advertising, the trend continues. Yesterday Steve Menshenfriend's blog had a "check list of issues that need to be part of the Gospel and Culture discussion" (courtesy of Dick Staub). Worth checking out.

  4. A hyperlink that I tried including in my previous Comment didn't get included. I'll try again without the HTML tags ... Steve Menshenfriend's blog is at

  5. Did this person think they were being original? Some people have been saying the same thing for, idk, a couple hundred years.

  6. Good question. I put up a similar quote some time ago.

    But hey, it was a bunch of pastors in a room, and you know what can happen when that happens!!


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