Tuesday, September 28, 2004

One is the loneliest number

Well, I'm just about to head home after a long day pastoring.

The girl I've been working with got out of the hospital this morning at 8am. Her family didn't show up, in fact nobody did, so I went. Armed with fresh chocolate chip cookies Lauralea got up early to bake, I went to the Hospital to meet her, and help her start her journey home. The bus to her hometown left at 9am, so we hurried to catch it. I got her safely onboard, and she thanked me and hugged me, and left, alone.

That's what I'll remember about M, just how absolutely alone someone can be in this harsh cold world.

And, there are so very many like her, alone, and lonely.
Father, be with those who sleep alone tonight. Watch over them as they rest. Speak to their hearts through the watches of the night. Tell them of your love for them, assure them of your presence and your guiding hand.  Awaken them tomorrow morning with a new hope stirring in their hearts. Introduce yourself to them in ways that comfort and fill their loneliness. And bless them with a full life.



  1. hearing about her just breaks my heart. Please update us as you hear how she's doing in the next while....and we're still praying...

  2. You've been the model of Christ to her. Sometimes just being there is all that matters. Blessings to you for being faithful.


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