Thursday, August 05, 2004

Happy Birthday to Me

Hey look at me, I'm 41.

My vision's not too bad, I can still smell and taste, and, for the most part hear. I don't have major health issues, am not constipated. I have not had any broken bones or surgery.

I'm still on my first wife, we have four kids and I drive a smoking minivan.

My life's work is something I enjoy, usually, and I'm not as balding as my younger brother.

Life is good.



  1. Happy Birthday!

    You don't look a day older than 40. ;)

    (I'm not a fan of the keyboard smiley-face, but I thought it appropriate in this case)

  2. Happy happy birthday!

    Just think, next year you'll be the answer to life, the universe, and everything (there's something to look forward to!).

    Have a great day. :)

  3. Happy Birthday from down under (in Texas, that is). You're the same age as my wife. You couldn't be as beautiful as she is, but I bet you get better with age, too.

    All the best.

  4. Hey, thanx for all the love in the room today!

    For your comments, and for those who sent me a Txt message. It was like getting small gifts throughout the day.

    Thanks Toni and Becky and Ron and Elaine and Harv, and Marc and Rob.

    Here's to one more year at it eh?


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