Friday, May 28, 2004

It's Friday, but Saturday's comin

Well, it's Friday. Seems like it's taken a year to live out this week.

It's going well, God is giving grace for all the other details of life (like preaching this Sunday) to be accomplished. We're getting alot of love on us here, the people are great. We are thankful for them.

Tomorrow we will need to be in Saskatoon by 8am. That means leaving by 6:30am, which in turn, means that we will have to be up by 4:30 -5 am to get these teenagers and us through our morning convolutions! At least so we look decent enough not to be an embarrassment to the family! That also means a number of people's eyes will be twitching all day, and some won't be able to control their emotions. Weirdness happens when people are exhausted.

The day will be very long, ending with a supper for the whole family. We will probably get back very late. I hope nobody has a stroke tomorrow.

So, as you think of us, silently whisper a prayer.

Blessings. And thanks.

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