Thursday, April 15, 2004

Of solos, silence and the Flames (Calgary, not hellfire!)

Well, last night at our small group, we eventually got to the study, but it wasn't before some serious sharing of our stories was done. It's very cool how the freedom to talk seems to grow after months of a committed group relationship. We seek to create a safe space for people to share their lives, and care for one another.

Last night it was able to happen to a greater degree, and people were able to share some more of their deeper stories, so that we as a group could pray and support them as best we are able. I love that stuff.

But, today was my day to do the service at the hospital. About 25 people from the care home attend and we usually make it through a short service and sharing. It keeps you grounded when some guy in the back row stops the worship to tell a joke! Or someone in the front whispers "I have to go pee!"

Today, apart from that stuff, it was just plain weird.

The pianist didn't show up. His presence is important to the success of the day because he plays loud enough so that people feel free to let er rip because they can't be heard anyway. Well, today it was me and them, and they were not singing. Course, after I started that first song too high, well there was no place to go from there.

Yet I carried on and got a better note on the second song. They still were not interested in singing.

After three solos, It got even worse. I led in prayer and invited them into the Lords prayer. Now, I know the lords prayer, ever since grade one, but today... well, it was only half there. Halfway through, with them mumbling along somewhat, I forgot which version I was doing, trespasses/sins, what was next... and I forgot the rest. The pastor forgot the lords prayer.

At that exact moment my prayer became, "Please Lord, could you just open up a randall sided hole beneath me, and let me disappear from this spot?"  Sigh. Unbelievable. Then some caregivers who were there too, took up the prayer and continued on, bravely where I got lost. I let them finish, then mumbled something about different versions of the prayer, then quickly led in the next congregational solo.


Tonight the Covenant Women's group from the church are putting on a kind of Gardening show, and it's for everyone, not just ladies. Now I'm already on record as saying I would like to pave my lawn and paint it green, so tonight may be a bit of a challenge. But the guests are friends I want to support, so, the hockey playoffs will have to wait, bring on the daffodils.


Not particularly a great "Day in the Life" advertisement for being a pastor, but there you go.

At least we won one last night.



  1. Good thing I read your blog - apart from needing some good humor at the end of a long day - I was reminded about tonights gardening show thing.

  2. I do like a humble pastor. Isn't there some saying that goes kind of like "familiarity breeds forgetfulness"......or something like that. Anyway, the guests at the home probably didn't even notice....bless their hearts.

    Paved lawn, eh? Have you gone bonkers man? Me, I'd rather get a goat! At least you can have meat afterwards............

  3. If we need to die to self every day, I reckon you've managed a week or so's worth there.

  4. Laughed so hard. Sympathetic and understanding eh? Wish I'd been there. I do enjoy flower gardening but am astounded that people in this climate spend so much time and money on grass. Bring on the green paint.

  5. Man, thats awesome. "Randall sized hole!" Bwuwaahaha.. Too funny.

    I'd also have to agree with you on the whole paving the yard thing, I just wasn't born to grow a garden, or grass, or dirt.. just weeds. They are my friends.


    BTW. Game 7 On Monday! Go CANUCKS Go!


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