Wednesday, April 28, 2004

I'm off

... so play nice.

and, if you think about it, remember Lauralea and the gang here, and me over there.





  1. Play nice? Just how do you think we play??!!

    Trust all will have gone well.

  2. HAVE YOU LOOKED AT THE HOME-CAM PICTURE FROM THE LIVING ROOM WINDOW?!?!?! IT'S SNOWING HERE!!!!! YOU SHOULD SEE THE SIZE OF THE FLAKES!!! There's a part of me that hopes it's miserable in Winnipeg too. The perverse part of me.

    On the possitive side, the Trash Truck just went by,(the Garbage Collectors)...what do you call them in England? The Skip Lifters maybe?'s Blue Bin day here, (ONLY paper and paper products. No plastic - except rinced plastic milk jugs- no styrofoam, just UNSOILED paper...)

    The POINT? We've had to roll, drag, push, pull or otherwise muscle the cumbersome trash bin to the street all winter, through several feet of snow, OR from the driveway, which backs onto the alley, several hundred feet around to the front of the street where the man with the big truck may empty it for us. I have lately noticed that the big truck goes along the street in front of our house, and then turns beside our house and continues his pick-up behind our house down the alley. I tried an experiment for today, by placing the Blue Bin at the end of the driveway for pick-up, a mere few feet from where it stands when it's not collection day. AND THE MAN PICKED UP THE TRASH! YEAH! If this be a new workable trend, next winter will be SO much easier. Score one for the little guys. (and at 4' 10", I mean that quite literally!)

    Now... what do you do when there is a Virus warning about a Trojan horse downloader that keeps popping up, even after running the AVG program, healing 8 viruses, and isolating 1 unhealable virus...? Run the program again I guess! Randall will have a coronary if he reads this! (regarding viruses...)

  3. Hi Laura. They're called dustmen and the rubbish goes in dustbins here. Not that there's a great deal of dust round here ATM - it's been raining on and off.

    As for the viruses - download stinger and run it. The link to stinger download is:

    Just copy and paste it into your browser address bar. When the download is complete double click it to run. This is free, and regularly updated. We use it for work because it's so good. You just have to download a fresh version regularly because it doesn't automatically update.


Play nice - I will delete anything I don't want associated with this blog and I will delete anonymous comments.