Friday, April 02, 2004

A fork in the road, with noodles on it.

So I was driving home tonight from the garage where the van just got $300 + work on it, and I was remembering the conversation we were having last night over supper. That for next year, the kids will need to get to high school and home, and for them to take the city transit will cost over $1500 for the year for them to ride a bus. Sigh.

I put the bill for the van on the plastic and, as I said, I was driving home wondering if the trade off of having Lauralea working outside the home would be worth all the extra hassle and work.

Then I got home and came into the house and it smelled like my grandmas house used to smell. Chicken noodle soup on the stove and fresh baked bread on the counter. Ahhh.

Maybe I could just sell some blood. 


  1. maybe you could start a sweatshop in your basement, I mean, you have sewing machines...I am sure your kids can sew...little mexican children do it for the Gap all the time.

  2. Robyn has the right idea - blood just isn't that valuable. Now if you have an excess kidney or 2...

    Sorry to hear you're struggling Randall. I wonder about the kind of money some people pastoring get - there used to be an old church anecdote about praying for the pastor. "We'll keep him poor Lord, and you keep him humble". Doesn't seem right that the man with whom much spiritual responsibility is entrusted should be kept worried about the material.

    Just my 3 ha'porth.

  3. Hey, when are you off to the States Toni?

    Actually, compared so some pastor's I can't complain!!

    It leaves God room to be God then eh?

    So, my children will have straight teeth and we will have stories of God's faithfulness!!

    Wouldn't trade that off.


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