Sunday, April 25, 2004

Another year gone


Well, it was the old lady's birthday yesterday, She turned 41, and she does it every year before I do, so at least I have that over her.

We were talking last night, and 40 seemed to be kind of a Party/milestone kinda year. So what's 41? Kind of an "I'm now formally into my middle age and it's mostly down hill from here on out" kind of feel.

41 isn't about party or celebration or milestone. It's the work of life, the regular details of life lived out, one day, one year after another.

So, we did it up big.

Micah made breakfast, I think it was toast. And someone dropped off a cake, which was nice. I made supper for us all. I made Lauralea her own Chicken Fried Rice with Lemon Chicken. (OK, I actually just heated it up) and for the rest I made Penne pasta with Alfredo and Tomato sauce. Nice.

For presents, Hillary got her some new blue earrings, she had asked for, while Johanna got her a new wind up key for her metronome (She's wanted one for years). Me and the boys all went together and got her the latest add-on for The Sims, Unleashed, I think it's called. It's the only thing she likes doing on the computer, well that and a word game I consider too difficult.

It was a relaxed time around here. The chores were done early and I was out of he office by 2ish, so it was a nice day.

And, she said she had a good day too. She said I should put up a picture and say she just turned 54. So, here's Lauralea, making 54 look awesome!!

Happy Birthday Lauralea.



  1. AH...Hmm

    Am I to take it that you think 54 is old??

    You know men are better off just not saying anything about age!

    But your wife is so awesome and so very young. Tell her to really live it up these next 13 years.

  2. Can we take her out and get her a tattoo?

  3. ...maybe a belly ring?

  4. LOL @ the though of the pastor's wife getting ink!

    Happy birthday for yesterday, Lauralea.

    Youngster ;-)

  5. Thank you, all! 54 isn't old, either, by the way... I just heard someone say once that rather than fight the aging process by "subtracting" a few years from their actual age, one should add about 7- so 7, 13, what ever! The worst would be if, after adding to the age, people give you the "oh, you poor dear! Life's been hard on you" look! Anyway, had a great day. Randall's a warm-up whiz and the chicken fried rice was splendid! The "girls" in my book club even surprised me with a lovely cake, card and gift last night at the weekly ritual! It's been a good weekend.

  6. I liked the order for six.......we did it up pretty well, didn't we? It's fun being with you 'ole girl!


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