Sunday, February 08, 2004

It's hard not to have a cow when...

It's hard not to have a cow when you are leading worship and your daughter is BGV'ing and working the overheads, but she has a number of "Senior Moments" where she isn't there, in her head at least, and she forgets to put up the next overhead.

For an anal guy it's just hard, you know??

P.S. Yes, we're still using overheads.

P.P.S. Yes, I am glad she wants to help like she does!

P.P.P.S. BGV = Back Ground Vocals



  1. meh. I thought I did okay. Anyway, no one else will remember it, they all have their senior moments too. Lets just say not everyone takes a nap AFTER church.

  2. :-)

    And I confess to the accusation too, although not in YOUR sermon.

  3. I think you underestimate the difficulty of overhead ministry.

    I tried many times in wpg to do overheads and vocals....and it is tough, even if you ARE paying attention.

  4. Aaahhh, sounds like you've got a good pastor's family thing going there - get everyone a job! :) I remember our family fun being folding bulletins on Friday nights, no matter how young you were. And then dad and mom put me in piano lessons in 1st grade - unbeknown to me dad had plans for me to do the music at church one day, while mom did the flowers and he preached. Talk about a one-family show! :)

  5. I think J recovered very well from her "minor" slip-up, Dad. 'Tis the very reason why I have never volunteered for the must always be ahead of the game, and me, I'm just lagging behind a beat or two! Way to go, Jo! A marvelous job she does!!!

  6. I`m sure my grand-daughter did a marvelous job!!Oh, by the way son,Christmas is well past so maybe you could shelve the Santa hat till next year!If you hurry you could still get in on the Valentine hat theme!!! Love Ma

  7. Mom, :-)

    Try pressing the F5 key. I should loose the Santa hat then.


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