Friday, January 02, 2004

I'm Happy...

I just came out of the Zellers store and the theft alarm went off, bringing down the SWAT team. I chose to rejoice at that moment. Mostly because of my wife, to whom I had just given the bag.


I left her holding it!




In terms of the van, it's still in the shop waiting for a part to arrive tomorrow. They've replaced the rear shoes and one cylinder. Tomorrow is the master cylinder, again.


I can't wait to get back to work. This holiday's killing me.



  1. Hey You've done some cool stuff -like the Lounge.

    And maybe you should just stay out of stores! Or get yourself one of those little white collars. But maybe then they would just think you are trying to dupe them. :-)

    Anyway, good to hear you did the manly thing and left Lauralea with the loot!!

  2. If I wore a collar I couldn't go into the "Special" section of the store where I got Lauralea's christmas present....

  3. "Special" section????

    That sounds like a euphemism and a half.

    "captain. Sensors indicate that a celestial body has just entered the special section".

    "Right Mr. Sulu, signal red alert. Set Phasers on stun and arm the photon torpedos. We don't want this one to get away".

    "Wheep, wheeep, wheeep. Red alert, red alert. Randall Freisen has entered the special section".

    Now what would a good Canadian Pastor be doing in the "special" section ;-)

  4. Toni, ya ever seen Faaather Ted and his trip to the department store???

  5. Sorry my friend, I've not had a telly for the last 22 years. Hence my reference to a TV program that was discontinued in the 70s.

    Didn't it involve a half-cut Irish priest and lots of swearing?

  6. Oh yeah, I forgot, the TV Police are visiting your establishment soon...

    Right, the main figure, Ted wasn't as cut as the older priest, or as dumb as the younger one.

    Anyway, one day all the priests go to the Department store and, inadvertently end up in ladies wear. They go into combat mode to find the way out without anyone seeing them. Just like you described!

    There could have been language in it, but the accents were so strong we hardly knew when they were swearing!

  7. This criminal thing is getting to be a pattern with you, Randall. And then there's that issue of being in the "wrong" section of the store.

    The board of the ordered ministry will be meeting at the end of the month. Keep your nose clean until at least then.

  8. :-)

    I won't even go near the mall.


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