Wednesday, January 28, 2004

and don't eat the chicken...

Alright already, I'm sick, I've got the flu.

and I can't sleep.

and I'm hot, no, cold, no, hot, no, cold.


Crap. I wanted to do a post on how to drive a totally frozen up van when the tires are square and the steering wheel won't turn, and the doors won't close and you snap the rubber power cord pluggin it in, in half...



  1. I thought intense cold was supposed to kill all those germs - or maybe it just preserves them.

    Get well soon.

  2. 'ave a spo' 'o tea dearie, and get better soon!

  3. I was going through the same thing in December. It is absolutely terrible. I couldn't even get to the computer or the bathroom. The only place 'comfortable' was the ceramic tile floor(when I was hot). God be with you and I pray for your health.


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