Saturday, November 29, 2003

End of a good week

First off, sorry to those of you on dial up. I did try to shrink the pictures as small as I could, but  it's still a big production to load the page. I figured it might help to explain the vibe going on here at church all week.

Plenty of dark area's lit with small lamps. Worship CD's playing quietly in the background. Stations to help you focus your time. It's really been an amazing week, and not just for me.

The comments I've been getting from young and old, wow, they don't want it to end. So now I'm trying to think how to create the same feel, on a somewhat regular basis.

Anyway, tonight I wanted to spend some time here myself. It's the last night for it, and I love praying in the night. It's quiet and alone.

Tomorrow starts the Advent Season. The formal beginning of the Christmas season. From here it's often a mad rush down the hill towards Christmas. But this week has caused me to think, and God has been talking. He's been saying things that challenge me.

He's been telling me to live like I believe it.

To live like I believe he will provide. To live like I believe he loves me. To live like I believe he hears and answers my prayers. To live like I believe ...him.

That if I have two coats, I should give one to someone who has none. That if I'm hated, I will love back. That if I'm persecuted, I should pray for my persecutors.

That I could give my wealth to those who have none. That I could be a blessing. That I could answer with a soft voice.


To live like I believe it. No excuses. No "It doesn't fit the culture".  No...
just live it out.

My beliefs should effect my behaviour probably more than they do right now. I need to live it out more. Not "Do nice things" but to do the right things, the things we'd rather excuse ourselves from doing because they're tough.

It also means not getting caught up in the mad rush towards Christmas. And being deliberate with my time and money. And helping my family to do the same. 

And probably a wack of other stuff that He will show me as we continue down this road.

"Thank you Father for this holy week, carved out of a mad month of November. Teach us to live like we believe. Really. Not just to do what we think followers of Jesus ought to do, but to do what you call us to do. Help this to be only a beginning for so many who have come and prayed these days, and make them thirsty for more. More Lord Jesus,    More.



  1. Good call Randall, I'm glad last week has lifted you. Your post has spoken to me too.

    For a variety of reasons we have to share facilities with another church. Because of this we've been sharing some of their kit too (they meet in the morning, we meet in the afternoon). Last week they voted in a church meeting that they didn't want us to share their kit any more, however we were allowed to use their stuff this week, since we'd not been given much notice to provide our own stuff.

    Get to the hall to set up at 3.00pm - there's a lot of space, but no kit. Ah well, mics can be made to work through guitar amps, so it doesn't really matter.

    It's interesting though, that in all the times nonnies have expressed displeasure at churches I'm part of it has never bothered me once. It feels much more menacing to meet opposition from 'traditional' churches. But I guess there is at least good historical precedent - I should really be encouraged that we've been noticed enough to warrant it ;-)

    May God bless the ****ist church and all that sail in her.

  2. I've just had some time for God to highlight a couple of things about my attitude. I really pray that He will set them on fire for Him. Far far better than any petty feelings I might have toward them.


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