Monday, October 27, 2003


This weekend I had two friends give me books I've been wanting to read.

It's a very cool thing, to get a book you want from someone. It's like they take time to know you, really, and to express care or love they give you this gift.

The first is Philip Yancey's latest offering, "Rumours Of Another World." Looks like a good read on the mystery of God and our connections with Him. L knew I was interested in it, and picked it up for me.

The second is "Acquainted With The Night." It's a collection of black and white night photography and poetry. I've been checking it out the past couple of weeks down at Coles Bookstore, and today a friend gave it to me.

And I receive them as a treasure.

I waited all day before I opened them, I wanted a good chair and a drink, and some time to spend with them. But it was a busy day the opportunity never came. Now it's late and I gotta get to bed!

Still, the treasure is yet to be opened, and I'm looking forward to it.

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