Thursday, September 25, 2003

Small Group

We had a good time at our small group last night.


Our previous discussion here at about worship had me thinking. I gave the group a task, plan a worship experience. Whatever, wherever, whenever, however they liked. I was amazed by their responses, and the fact that there was so many similarities.


These themes kept coming to the top.


- Something outdoors.

- Include eating together, good food.

- Music playing someplace.

- Little if any "Formal Direction" i.e.. don't over program it.

- Families.

- talking, laughing, sharing.

- Wearing something you are comfortable in.

- Jesus would be glorified and pleased to attend shuch an event.

Course, mine was way off then. I wanted darkness, candles, loud techno music, the biggest video screen ever seen, and tables and chairs!


I was impressed by their thinking. And encouraged. And amazed. They're thinking bigger than the boxes they've grown up in.

I think I'm gonna enjoy this group, allot.

1 comment:

  1. That little question could be presented to others at church. It would be interesting to compare results of older and younger people. Would we have different ideas if we had been more awake? I tend to like loud music normally, but that night I think I just needed the peace of the outdoors.


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